Powerful appearance to have a Powerful Presence.
What happens when I saw a child crying alone on the sea face, I just went to him once and asked to come and sit with me. He continued crying, but the volume was down now, hardly any sound. I was patiently waiting to look at him and smiling. Finally, I could see him smiling as well. Then I took a few steps and sat on the sea face, the child also came and sat next to me, no exchange of words. Though we were exchanging a smile, he came closer to me. And in a few mins, he started playing before me, and we were exchanging smiles continuously.
And in some time his mom came with one more young child and thanked me and said she had to collect some stuff so she left the elder one as cant manage both( as she could understand the scenario), and they left. The child was waving at me till they disappeared.
What I did here, there was hardly any exchange of words.
How presence adds value in life?
At times just positive aura of some even if you cross by is enough to drive energy in veins
And sit next to positive & learned people and watching them enough to add value in life.
Don’t you feel a flow of positive energy & belief when you are in the temple or church?
At times just the presence of a leader helps his team to get motivated and drive energy.
Similar feel can be attained by a family member but not always with all family members, all leaders……..
How one can attain that positive aura strength and appearance that surround can be enlightened.
I have found eleven secrets launch in e-book soon, sharing three secrets here:
Purpose of spreading value and driving positive energy around you. If this is missing how strong is the personality is, how much money one has, all will be behind.
Spiritually grounded: This is an essential component to spread positive energy among other veins. When one attains this aura, there is no time limit.
Confident & positive smile: Carry this all the time. Remember a few faces like this on and off we bang… don’t we feel energetic and positive, and it doesn’t matter how tired and exhausted we are.
Very easy to follow and very practical.
Inculcate this system within you.
Thanks for reading the article.
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