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Anjali the Coach

Emotional Intelligence for High Achievers & Peace Seekers

Emotional Intelligence

EI creates a balance between emotions and intelligence.

Your higher emotional quotient determines your financial success and the quality of relationships you share.   One even tracked a group of people aged one to 30 and found that EQ was the biggest predictor of monetary success.

  • EI is the ability to understand your own and other emotions
  • Manage your emotions effectively
  • Recognise and influence the emotions of those around you
  • Ability to be more socially and emotionally intelligent  

You may notice your Low Emotional Quotient and Lack of EI skills

Larger Benefits of Possessing EI Skills

Emotional nuances severely affect your IQ. Your Intelligence works effectively when emotions are balanced.Research evidence that Your EQ is crucially more important than your IQ.

  • Healthy mental and emotional health
  • Quality Decision making
  • Your ability and flexibility against the greater resistance to upcoming change transform.
  • You become more resilient and compassionate.
  •  Your social skills increase with the in-depth learning of empathy and EI skills.
  •  Financially more successful 
  • Ability to influence and motivate others as True Leaders

Our Course On Emotional Intelligence & Self Leadership

EI course is divided into two parts Foundation And Advance


Complete Course will be of 6 hrs + Activities

   EI Advance & Self Leadership

20 hrs +  Learning Hours

What people say about EI

We Focus On

Experiential Learning

We provide experiential learning process. Not just teaching we focus on multiple activities and self assessments to match each and everybody’s strengths.


Our programs, people and perspectives are recognised for their excellence. To maintain excellence and quality we invite people for live trainings. We value change makers.

We provide experiential learning process. Not just teaching we focus on multiple activities and self assessments to match each and everybody’s strengths.


 No matter from which city or state you are joining. We consider your queries.

We understand participants and attend their concerns before, after and during the program as well.